Leah presenting at IGNITE + RMIT in May 2019.
Keynotes, talks and panels
September 26: Conference of the Chair of Design Theory and Methods for Innovation, Mines ParisTech (Presentation)
September 22: Ageing Societies: A Global Response, London Design Festival (Panel)
September 9: Station F, Paris (Presentation)
September 7: World Health Organisation, Geneva (Keynote)
July 22: Australian Nanofabrication Facility (Presentation)
July 21: Monash Malaysia Digital Health (Presentation)
July 12: QUT Robotics, ‘Supercharging Creativity’ (Presentation)
July 11: Design for Change Symposium, QUT (Keynote)
June 29: World Industrial Design Day, QUT (Panel)
June 8: Alfred Health (Presentation)
June 2: Design Outlook ‘Humanity Centred Design’ (Keynote)
March 8: International Women’s Day, CHC Architecture, ‘Humanising Design and Promoting Equal Participation’ (Presentation)
March 18: STEAM Futures (Keynote)
March 9: NSW Pathology (Presentation)
February: Monash Robotics (Presentation)
February: Monash Alliance for Digital Health (Presentation)
February: Digital Health Week, University of Sydney (Presentation)
Thales (Talk)
IASDR Conference (Presentation)
WHO Design for Impact (Presentation)
Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication (Presentation)
Griffith University (Presentation)
Monash Graduate Executive MBA (Presentation)
Clinical Oncology Society of Australia (Presentation)
Centre for Elite Performance and Executive Training (Presentation)
Silverchain Aged Care Services (Presentation)
Monash Centre for Health Research and Implementation (MCHRI) (Talk)
RMIT Fashion (Talk)
Monash Industrial Design (Talk)
ARUP Engineering (Talk)
National Ageing Research Institute (NARI)
Audiology Australia 2021 Conference (Keynote)
Craft Victoria ‘Making It’ (Keynote)
Primary Healthcare Network (Talk)
World Health Organisation Innovation Network
December: DATTA Conference Design Disruption (Keynote) ‘Design, Health and Emerging Technology - From Disability to Desirability’
December: QUT Health Futures Precinct (Keynote) ‘New Trends in Healthcare - A Design Perspective’
November: Harvard GSD ‘Empathy and the Space Between’
August: National Ageing Research Institute, Seminars in Ageing, ‘Designing for Age: Wearables, Systems and Services’
August: Bendigo Invention and Innovation Festival ‘International Women in STEAM Forum’
August: ANZ ‘Designing with People at the Centre’
August: CSIRO Manufacturing Virtual Science ‘Design for Impact’
July: NARI Seminars in Ageing ‘ Designing for Age: Wearables, Systems, Services’
April: Workplace innovation in Uncertainty RMIT Activator
February: New Innovation Perspectives for Organisations, PAUSEFEST
16 October: Optimising Health Environments - The Florey Institute
16 August: SPARKS – igniting multidisciplinary research event
30 May: ‘IP and the Designer’, RMIT Research and Commercialisation
13 May: ‘CaT Pin - Conversation as Therapy’ at Friends for Good Alleviating Loneliness Symposium
11 May: Designer talk at Artisan Gallery
3 May: IGNITE RMIT + Victorian Chamber of Commerce, Melbourne view here
May: Leah is a judge on the 2019 Good Design Awards
6 March: Sensilab talk - ‘Emotional Technologies’
20 February: Protect, Publish, Engage - Research Commercialisation Fundamentals with IP Australia Panel at RMIT Engaging for Impact Conference
7 December: Business of Design Week, Hong Kong Product & Technology panel.
9 November: MARC End of life care forum ‘Design Thinking in end-of-life experience’
17 October: Experimenta Social at ACMI X
11 October: Facett at The Art and Consequence of Collaboration, SASA Gallery, Adelaide
3 October: Leah doing the locknote for WT Wearable Technologies conference
15 September: Leah speaking at Humanise solo exhibition at Warrnambool Art Gallery
11 September: Melbourne Magazine story: Health Tech with Heart
6 September: Australia Unlimited Feature Story goes live: Health by Design: Wearable Tech
3 August: The Age and Sydney Morning Herald Article: Perfect humans: good or bad? Science and art examine tomorrow's brave new face
August: Impactboom podcast: Leah Heiss On How Human Centred Design Methodology Can Create Social Impact
August: Unisuper cover story released: Making medical gems
15 August: Speaking at Humans 2.0 at National Science Week
10 August: Leah on the panel of internet TV sensation That Startup Show, talking biotech, medtech and healthtech
13 July: The Augmented Humans Melbourne Museum exhibition webpage is live!
17 June: Leah on Augmenting Ability panel at the Melbourne Museum
12 June: Submitted my PhD Designing Emotional Technologies!
18 May: Article in the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age Listen up: hearing aid takes out top design award, Ray Edgar, The Age
17 May: FACETT won the 2018 Good Design Award!
12 May: On Future Patient panel at Melbourne Knowledge Week
12 May: Exhibiting at MKW Future Hospital Tech Demo Floor
3 May: My Melbourne Knowledge Week micro-film here
3 May: Presentation at Top Designs Education Forum
16 March: I launched Top Designs 2018
7 March: FACETT Victorian Government film
6 March: FACETT public launch at RMIT University
5 March: Channel 7 News on launch of Facett hearing aid, the design story
5 March: FACETT models on display at Melbourne Museum
5 March: FACETT press launch at Melbourne Museum: TV news here
5 March: RMIT articles on Facett design and collaboration
14 February: Leah co-facilittaing One Good Death workshop at RMIT
3 February: My hearing aid project is part of a great article in The Age Beyond the Beige by Ray Edgar
January: The Facett design process has been acquired by Museums Victoria
20 January: Panel discussion at the MPavillion If it feels good build it: Design for wellbeing, health and the senses
20 December: RN Drive, Radio National, talking about the upcoming launch of the hearing aid I have been working on for 3 years!!
28 November: Deloitte panel - Women in consulting, theme Working with Passion and Purpose.
15 November: D-School Stanford - Assisting John Kembel in D-Global's Designing Thinking workshop for NAB
10 November: PhD completion seminar
Panel: Professor Paul Gough, Professor Harriet Edquist, Dr. Fleur Watson, Assoc. Professor Lawrence Harvey
29 May: Building the Future Engineer, facilitation of Design thinking workshop with Aurecon Engineers.
3 April: Presenting at Deloitte, Melbourne for the Designing Frontiers Symposium. Presentation: Designing Practice.
9 March: Co-facilitating the ONJ Vision Workshop at Olivia Newton-John Cancer, Wellness and Research Centre with Luke Hockley from MidnightSky.
7 June: Presenting the Smart Heart necklace at Designing Interactive Systems conference, QUT Brisbane. Link to paper here
21 April: Leah presented at The Future of Work: People, Place, Technology at Federation Square, Melbourne.
15 April: Co-designing the Future of our health technologies workshop with Kat Bond from MAAS at The Australian Design Centre, Sydney
March: Interview on Radio National Afternoons with Michael McKenzie, Designing technology with a social conscience, listen here
March: Speaking about working with advanced materials in creative practice at LINK Festival - Design, Technology and Social Change
February: CUSP at the Australian Design Centre, Sydney
November: Speaking at Design Buzz - Design Canberra Festival
November: Guest blog on designing for hearing loss here
August: IHearYou self fit hearing system shortlisted for World Impact Design Prize
July: Leah speaking at Women In Design event in Launceston
June: IHearYou self fit hearing system wins Good Design Award for Social Innovation
April: Watch ABC TV documentary about Leah's practice here
April: CUSP: Designing for the Next Decade at Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery
November: Leah interviewed by ABC Splash to inspire young people to embrace STEM. Watch video here
September: A Fine Possession: Jewellery and Identity open at The Powerhouse, Sydney. Leah's Diabetes Jewellery and SOS Jewellery (with Macarow and Beckett) are in the show.
August: The Future is Here opens at RMIT Design Hub, Melbourne. Leah's project with Blamey Saunders Hearing 'The Incus' is in the show.
July: Leah speaking at the Wheeler Centre in Melbourne as part of Art and Us: Art and Science with Briony Barr, James Saunders, moderated by Alicia Sometimes.
May: Speaking at DESIGNEX, Sydney. More information here
April: Presenting at the CUSP symposium UniSA, Adelaide
March: Presenting at Driving Forces: The Role of Artists and Designers in Interdisciplinary Research, at ANU School of Art, Canberra.
March: Designer in residence at NGV for Melbourne Now
February: Women In Design exhibition at 45 Downstairs, Melbourne.
February: CUSP at the Jam Factory, Adelaide
August: Article about my practice in the Australian Financial Review
July: CUSP Designing into the Next Decade opening on 3 July at Sydney's Casula Powerhouse and travelling around Australia from 2013-2015
July: Panel Discussion with Phenella Kernebone from Radio National The Heart of it: Can Design Humanise Medical Technologies. Listen here
June: Paper presentation at ISEA 2013, Sydney
May: Leah presents to 2000+ people at AG Ideas International Festival of Design, Melbourne. Watch here
April: Article in Melbourne Review
April: Article in Time Out. Read here
November: Links to GOMA videos of interview with Leah here and film of National New Media Artist Award panel discussion here
October 2012: Art and Humanity article in RMIT press about Leah's Polarity and Ian Haig's Some Thing works in the National New Media Artist Award at GOMA 2012.
July 2012: Article in Powerhouse D-Hub site Creative Life Support: why supporting Australian design matter
June 2012: New magnetic liquid work 'Polarity' part of the National New Media Art Award at GOMA/Queensland Art Gallery, August-November 2012
June 2012: Seed Sensor 3D polymer print exhibited in Embracing Innovation: Volume 2
CraftACT, Canberra
March 2012: Journal article published Therapeutic Art Practice: How experimental art practice can radically inform the development of our therapeutic technologies SMT Studies in Material Thinking, University of Auckland.
August: Presentation at NIEA conference on Experimental Arts, COFA
July: Presenting at Australian Design Alliance Design-Led Solutions to Wicked ProblemsState of Design, GPO, Melbourne.
April: Presenting at National Institute for Electronic Arts, COFA
April: Presenting at AIA Conference Natural Artifice
March: Proem exhibited at PinUp Gallery, Melbourne
January: genart_sys exhibition for The Australia Council, Sydney
April-July: Signs of Change - Jewellery to Create a Better World, FORM, Perth
March: Journal article "Therapeutic Collaborations: Informing the development of therapeutic nanotechnologies through creative practice", Leah Heiss & Dr. Sarah Morgan. Second Nature: International journal of creative media, Vol 2, No 1 (2010)
November: Drift in Super Human exhibition at RMIT Gallery
November: Humanising Technology article about Leah's work, RMIT Gallery
November: Finalist in RMIT International Stars of the Media Awards
August: Nano projects in Showing Off Bathurst Regional Art Gallery
August: Interviewed on Radio Australia 'Innovations'. Transcript here
July: 'Luminesce' in Convergence, State of Design, Melbourne
May: Presenting at Design Island, Hobart, Tasmania
May: Nano projects featured in ABC US article. Read here
March: Levitas solo exhibition at fortyfive downstairs
November: "i love my device" presentation at AusMedTech
November: in.tangible.scape.s exhibition, Belgium.
November: Presentation at IMEC, Leuven
November: Liminal solo exhibition, RMIT Gallery Melbourne.
November: Leah on ABC TV's New Inventors. Watch here
November: Leah on ABC Radio National By Design. Listen here
August 2008: Sydney Morning Herald article - read here
August: $10,000 Australia Council Visual Arts New Work Grant for Material Poetic